MEC Loans

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Loan Calculator

Loan Amount (AED): *
Processing Fee (enter 0 if none) (AED):
Rate of Interest (p.a.) (On Reducing Balance): *
Number of monthly payments: *
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Amount Financed (AED):
Processing Fee (AED):
Total of all Payments (AED):
Total Interest Cost (AED):
All Payments and Fees (AED):


  1. Amortisation schedule given above is indicative and provided for reference purpose only. This schedule assumes 30 days per month for interest computation, actual interest may vary based on disbursement date and actual days in a month.
  2. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is arrived at based on rate of interest and processing fee at the time of availing the loan. APR does not include Foreclosure charges, Early settlement charges, Cost related to documentation / registration.


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